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Generate a file with the cities for a country

Cities Generator

Generates a descriptor file for the cities choosing:

To generate the cities, you can choose between 3 modes:

  1. On maven add the following script in the pom.xml file:

    or on gradle in the build.gradle file:

  2. Execute the following java instructions:
     import it.vige.cities.Generator;
     import it.vige.cities.Countries;
     import it.vige.cities.result.Nodes;
     Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
     Generator generator = new Generator(configuration, true);
     Nodes result = generator.generate();

    you can also generate a file through the instruction:

     import it.vige.cities.Result;
     Result result = generator.generateFile();

    You will find the file it.json in the ${user.home}/cities-generator directory

Geonames registration

If you use GEONAMES or EXTRAGEONAMES, you use a default username. In the long run this default username may be inactive, so you will need a new username to specify in the configuration field seen above. To get the new username you must register through the site:

REST Service

A REST service can be installed in your machine. This returns a json format with the cities of the used country according the roles seen over. To install it download the source under /service folder and execute:

./gradlew clean build

And then start it through the command:

java -jar build/libs/cities-generator-service-1.2.3.jar --country=it --server.port=8380 --keycloak.realm=${realm} --keycloak.auth-server-url=${url} --keycloak.resource=${resource}

Keycloak params are mandatory to connect to a custom keycloak server. It allows the authorization. To use the service connect through browser to In a production environment you could use https so:

java -jar build/libs/cities-generator-service-1.2.3.jar --server.ssl.key-store=./docker/prod/volume/cert/application-ct.keystore --server.ssl.key-store-password=password --server.port=8743 --country=it --keycloak.realm=${realm} --keycloak.auth-server-url=${url} --keycloak.resource=${resource}

Docker development image

There is an already docker image to start the REST service. Execute this command to start the service:

docker pull vige/cities-generator

To run the image use the command:

docker run -d --name cities-generator -p8380:8080 -eCOUNTRY=it -eREALM=${realm} -eAUTHURL=${url} -eRESOURCE=${resource} vige/cities-generator

Where it is the chosen country. You can choose uk,it or other else country using the first two characters of the code. Over the country, optionally as for the library you can add the following param:

This image starts without SSO server, so it is not complete. For a sample complete environment you can start the command from the docker/dev folder of the project:


Where ${COUNTRY} is the choosen language, it or en. While ${REPLACER_CLIENT_ADDRESS} is the address of the cities-generator client, for example . ${AUTHURL} is the keycloak address url like It will allow to download a keycloak instance where the server can be connected. After you can connect to keycloak through the url

Here a sample: COUNTRY=it AUTHURL= docker-compose up

Add the following DNS in your /etc/hosts file:


where in $IP_ADDRESS you must choose the ip address where is located the server. To use the service connect through browser to

If you need to make write operations you can log through:

user: root  
pass: gtn

Docker production image

There is an already docker image to start the REST service. Execute this command to start the service:

docker pull vige/cities-generator

To run the image use the command:

docker run -d --name cities-generator -p8743:8443 -eCOUNTRY=it -eREALM=${realm} -eAUTHURL=${url} -eRESOURCE=${resource} vige/cities-generator

Where it is the chosen country. You can choose uk,it or other else country using the first two characters of the code. Over the country, optionally as for the library you can add the following param:

This image starts without SSO server, so it is not complete. For a sample complete environment you can start the command from the docker/prod folder of the project:


Where ${COUNTRY} is the choosen language, it or en. While ${HOST_NAME} is the external keycloak url, for example . ${REPLACER_CLIENT_ADDRESS} is the address of the cities-generator client, for example ${AUTHURL} is the keycloak address url like It will allow to download a keycloak instance where the server can be connected. After you can connect to keycloak through the url

Here a sample: COUNTRY=it AUTHURL= docker-compose up

Add the following DNS in your /etc/hosts file:


where in $IP_ADDRESS you must choose the ip address where is located the server. To use the service connect through browser to

If you need to make write operations you can log through:

user: root  
pass: gtn


in a production environment we are using a default certificate but you could move a different ssl certificate and keys. Use this command to generate it:

keytool -genkey -alias cities-generator-service -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore ./docker/prod/volume/cert/application-ct.keystore -validity 3650 -dname ", OU=Vige, O=Vige, L=Rome, S=Italy, C=IT" -storepass password -keypass password

You need to create a certificate and import it through the command:

keytool -v -export -file mytrustCA.cer -keystore ./docker/prod/volume/cert/application-ct.keystore -alias cities-generator-service
keytool -import -alias trustedCA -file mytrustCA.cer -keystore ./docker/prod/volume/cert/application-ct.keystore -storepass password -keypass password